International Childhood Cancer Day

Dăruiește Aripi nurtures the feeling of a family, and one growing steadfast. We are left without words by the generosity and ethusiasm of our volunteers who make us feel part of a wholesome community: lawyers, psychologists, IT engineers, and just people with big hearts. Today, to mark the International Childhood Cancer Day, we introduce you to one of our fairies with whom we share the working space every Monday. 


I am Claudia and I can gratefully say that my life is accomplished, both professionally with a career in banking, and personally in the company of my beloved family, two wonderful children, friends and people who have contributed over time to who I am today. 

And I can say with joy and emotion that, for the past year and a half, my life has become enriched by something I had been missing, something that gives me good vibes and direction: I have been volunteering for Asociația Dăruiește Aripi since the autumn of 2021. 

I met Alina Pătrăhău at a moment in my life when I felt I wanted to get more involved in the life of the community, to contribute somehow, to help, yet without a clear idea about what I could do specifically, in what area and where to start from. I listened to Alina during a webinar and I instantly felt inspired by the mission of the Association, but also drawn by the passion in her speech. I wrote her, we met and got the chance to know her better, I gained a better sense of her work and long-term objectives. 

I am impressed by the innovation pursued by the Association team and how they contribute to the structural change of public healthcare services for children with cancer. I am also impressed by the fact that their journey started under difficult circumstances but they keep on track regardless of the bumps on the road. Not least, by their achievements and recognition, at home and internationally. I can say they are a model for our society. 

I am now part of their mission. I stand by the children with cancer, who are so vulnerable fighting the merciless illness, yet so strong in their fight for life. 

For me volunteering means involvement with my whole soul. I want to tell people about the mission of the Association, to promote their projects and activities, to raise funds, to offer my help for their actions or events. 

At the beginning I thought it would be difficult to connect to the pain of other people, but the feeling of doing good and joining so many who do good cancels any possible feeling of sadness or helplessness. It’s actually quite the opposite, I have understood and felt what motivates one to stay on track and move forward. When I am together with the wonderful people in the Association I receive this regenerating energy and life force. I receive, just like the children, wings that enable me to rise up. 

I thank you, the team at Dăruiește Aripi, for everything you do and will be doing! 

I thank you, dear children who fight the illness, and your families, for you are so strong! 

I thank all of you who donate or contribute in any form to the goals of the Association, because you make it possible to move forward!

Claudia – Dăruiește Aripi  volunteer 

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